金子公宥・藤原敏行(2020)スポーツバイオメカニクス入門 第4版. 杏林書院.
Fujihara, T. (2022) Real -time video and force analysis feedback system for learning strength skills on rings in men’s artistic gymnastics, Sports Biomechanics, DOI: 10.1080/14763141.2021.2024873
Farana, R., Williams, G., Fujihara, T., Wyatt, H. E., Naundorf, F. & Irwin, G. (2021) Current issues and future directions in gymnastics research: biomechanics, motor control and coaching interface, Sports Biomechanics, DOI: 10.1080/14763141.2021.2016928
藤原敏行 (2020) 三次元計測に基づくスポーツ研究・応用事例:体操競技の場合. 計測と制御 59 (10).715-720
Fujihara, T., Irwin, G. and Gervais, P. (2019) Head-toe distance as a simple measure to evaluate amplitude of circles on pommel horse. Science of Gymnastics Journal (11)2. 189-200.
藤原敏行、山本詠人、淵本隆文(2017) 体操競技の跳馬における助走速度とその測定方法. 体育学研究 62(2).435-453
藤原敏行 (2014) 器械運動・体操競技における幇助に関する考察. 大阪体育大学紀要 45 59 (10).715-720
Fujihara, T. & Gervais, P (2012) Circles with a suspended aid on pommel horse: Mass-centre rotation and hip joint moment. Journal of Sports Sciences 30(11): 1097-1106.
Fujihara, T. & Gervais, P (2012) Circles with a suspended aid on pommel horse: Influence of expertise. Journal of Sports Sciences 30(6): 583-589.
Fujihara, T. & Gervais, P (2012) Circles with a suspended aid on pommel horse: Spatio-temporal characteristics. Journal of Sports Sciences 30(6): 571-581.
Fujihara, T. & Gervais, P (2012) Circles with a suspended aid: reducing pommel reaction forces. Sports Biomechanics 11(1): 34-47.
藤原敏行 (2011) あん馬における両足旋回のバイオメカニクス. バイオメカニクス研究 14(4). 155-163
Fujihara, T. & Gervais, P (2010) Kinematics of side and cross circles on pommel horse. European Journal of Sports Sciences 10(1): 21-30.
Fujihara, T. , Fuchimoto, T., & Gervais, P (2009) Biomechanical analysis of circles on pommel horse. Sports Biomechanics 8(1): 22-38.
藤原敏行、淵本隆文 (2006) あん馬における両足旋回の構造と技術に関する力学的分析. バイオメカニクス研究 10(1). 27-41.
Fujihara, T. (2020) Amplitude evaluated with head-toe distance in relation to where circles are performed on pommel horse. International Society on Biomechanics in Sports. Fukuoka, Japan.
Fujihara, T. (2019) Applied session in the gym. International Symposium on Gymnastics Sciences. Osaka, Japan.
藤原敏行(2019)Bridging the gap between research and practice in artisic gymnastics(バイオメカニクス領域シンポジウム).日本体育学会第70回大会
Fujihara, T. & Kobayashi, T. (2018) Ability to maintain amplitude while performing circles on pommel horse. International Congress on Biomechanics in Sports, Auckland, New Zealand
Fujihara, T. (2017) Using a kinect device to evaluate amplitude of horizontal rotation on the pommel horse. International Congress on Biomechanics in Sports, Cologne. Germany.
Fujihara, T. (2016) Revisiting run-up velocity in gymnastics vaulting. International Congress on Biomechanics in Sports, Tsukuba, Japan.
Fujihara, T., Yamatomo, E. and Gervais, P. (2015) Toward an ideal performance of circles on pommel horse—centrifugal force and mass-centre velocity—. International Congress on Biomechanics in Sports, Poitiers, France.
Fujihara, T. and Gervais, P. (2013) Head positions are related to the performance quality of circles on pommel horse. International Congress on Biomechanics in Sports, Taipei, Taiwan.
Fujihara, T. and Gervais, P. (2012) Biomechanics of suspended-circles on pommel horse: what if knees are suspended?. International Congress on Biomechanics in Sports, Melbourne, Australia.
藤原敏行(2018)体操競技トレーニングにおける映像機器の活用. 櫂21. 9-19
藤原敏行 (2017) Institute for Applied Training Sciences in Leipzigの視察報告. 大阪体育大学紀要 48. 99-110.
(指導実績 – 男子体操競技部)
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